Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

“The thief does not come except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly,” (John 10:10).

It is Satan’s ultimate goal to destroy the people of God in any way he can, dragging them down into the pit of hell, and your children are no exception.

  • The devil tries to attack your kids through media.

In a technology-laden world, media can be used for good or evil. Media is an easy and accessible tool for the enemy to grab onto, and Satan will use it to his full advantage if he can.

“Satan is trying to twist and pervert kids’ lives and what he does is he uses media. He uses TV, he uses commercials, he uses programs, he’s using celebrities, he’s using secular singers on the radio that are not Christian,” Weaver says.

  • Satan is using pride to deceive kids.

Our world is celebrating pride in unprecedented ways right now. We even give an entire month dedicated to pride and its darkness. This is most evident in the LGBTQ agenda and the push for kids to embrace transgenderism.

  • Satan is trying move kids toward witchcraft.

Witchcraft, new age and occult practices continue to climb in our world’s cultural trends. Witchcraft has become commonly accepted in books, movies and games, pushing kids to engage with material that will leave them spiritually broken.

“The plan that I see Satan doing is he is trying to pull you into this web of witchcraft, manipulation, sorcery, magic,” Weaver says. “It’s literally everywhere.”

These areas are affecting the world that we live in constantly. It is Satan’s great agenda to use these things to pull your children away from God’s good and perfect Word. Whether it’s media, pride or witchcraft, parents need to monitor what kinds of activities, behaviors and objects are permitted in their home. Pray over your children, that the blood of Christ would protect them and keep them.

Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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